
Urodynamic investigation is a dynamic study of the storage and voiding of urine by the lower urinary tract using physical measurements. Urodynamics is used to assess various parameters as they contribute to maintaining continence and normal voiding. This evaluation is performed on both men and woman and using small catheters and pressure transducers.

Aim of Urodynamic Studies

  • Reproduce a patient’s symptoms.
  • Provide objective proof of the underlying pathophysiological problem.

Who should have Urodynamic Studies?

  • Patients with persistent or recurrent incontinence, following surgical procedures or failed treatment.
  • Patients with associated pelvic prolapse who are considering surgical repair.
  • Mixed Incontinence
  • Patients with repeated UTI’s
  • Patients with neurological and bladder problems

Urodynamic in Children

Groups of children considered for urodynamic studies:

  • Children with neurological disease and possible vesicourethral dysfunction.
  • Children with lower urinary tract symptoms and/or dysfunction
  • Children with non-neurological congenital abnormalities and possible vesicourethral dysfunction.

Indication for Urodynamic Investigation in Children

  • Result will affect management
  • Empirical treatment has failed, and invasive therapy is contemplated
  • Screening test have been shown to be abnormal
  • Children with enuresis who have failed treatment and ileocystoplasty is being contemplated